Global Renewable Energy Standard (G-RES) at COP-16 in Cancun

Global Renewable Energy Standard (G-RES) at COP-16 in Cancun

I often mention the fantastic work done by the American Council On Renewable Energy (ACORE). But where all its recommendations have the world’s best interests at heart, only some of them have a real chance of being immediately implemented.

I see that ACORE is calling a Global Renewable Energy Standard (G-RES) at COP-16 in Cancun, asking for a resolution on a global Agreement on 25% of energy supplies from renewables by 2025, and suggesting that the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) be designated as the lead agency to support implementation of the agreement.

All I can say is: God speed.

I’ve met ACORE president Michael Eckhardt at some of the terrific events in the past years, and I can see that he’s a brilliant and hard-working individual. “We know today that three of the cornerstone paths to climate protection are the adoption of renewable energy, investment in greater energy efficiency, and protection of the rainforests as the Earth’s lungs. It is time to have concerted action on each of those three paths, getting started on what we know will work,” he says.

No question about it. I’d love to see that too. First, however, I think we need to get past the issues that hung us up in Copenhagen a year ago, i.e., that developed nations must not wait for the developing countries to make the first move.

But are we still at an impasse? I guess we’ll have to wait and see what happens in Cancun. To the US delegation, I remind you of this: The world is watching.

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