Cool Ideas from the French-American EV Technology Conference

Cool Ideas from the French-American EV Technology Conference

At the French-American EV Technology Conference in Long Beach, CA this morning, I had an opportunity to learn about many things that I really had no idea would be on the agenda.  One of the subjects was tires, as presented by Michelin. 

As it turns out, 20% of the energy that goes into moving your car is consumed in the rolling resistance generated by your four tires.  On EVs, that percentage is even higher — as much as 35% (since the efficiency of the motor is higher).  This, of course, is huge. 

The presenter took us through a great number of R&D issues that Michelin is tackling, including both minature tires and making tires taller and narrower (which has the side benefit of adding precious space between the wheels).    

There was a titter of laughter when the presenter showed a picture of a non-pneumatic tire (pictured above).  I presume this was because we’ve all seen ideas like this for years.  Someone asked if such a design has a “snowball’s chance in hell for success in a world whose tire industry’s business model involves selling new tires every forty thousands of miles or so.”

The presenter replied cooly, “Stay tuned.” 

I wonder what exactly that meant, but I didn’t see the sense in confronting him publicly. 

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