Renewable Energy Soon – But Today's Most Obvious Answer Is Efficient Buildings

I had the good fortune to speak with my gradeschool friend Bruce Wilson the other day.  Bruce, a contractor in building energy efficiency, had found me online, and was clearly pleased that one of his classmates is involved with sustainable technologies.  Yet while I tend to be somewhat guarded in my optimism on the subject, Bruce is all over this.  “The world is swimming in opportunity,” he gushed as we spoke on the phone.  “There are dozens of mature, stable technologies that will bring an amazingly positive effect to the world of energy consumption and the problems associated with it.”

In fact, that seems to be what everyone is saying.  We’ll get to renewable energy in a big way over the coming decades.  But the easiest way to make a difference today is simply to use the tools at our disposal — largely summarized in the LEED standards — to cut energy consumption where we live and work. 

Bruce has promised to put up a few guest posts; I certainly look forward to seeing them.


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