Science Under Attack

Science Under Attack

I’ve gotten a great number of fascinating comments on my piece on science’s coming under attack from politics and religion, for example:

Like you, I am worried about the religious campaign to undo hundreds of years of scientific development. Unfortunately, history tells us that politics and religion have been closely linked since the earliest civilizations. The Egyptian pharaohs were the high priests of their polytheistic religion. During the decline of the Roman Empire, emperors were gods and today we not only face the threat from the religious right but also the Muslim jihadists.

This is true. But at least in the West, have a couple hundred years of history that has begun to build a separation here. Starting with the Enlightenment in the Eighteenth Century, and the principles of the French and American Revolutions, our civilization has seen fit to identify independent roles for scientific inquiry versus belief systems that are not amenable to evidence or proof. For my money, this is a vitally important ingredient in building a world that is capable of sustaining itself going forward.

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