Renewable Energy in East Timor

Renewable Energy in East Timor

I’m one of these fanatics about combining reasons to travel. It’s not uncommon for me to have six or seven meetings in a day in Manhattan, starting with an early breakfast, running straight through after-dinner drinks.  Except for super-urgent meetings, I let reasons to be in The City slowly build up until I can tackle all of them at once.

And it looks like another trip is taking form. I have several “friends of friends” who run investment groups whom I’m dying to meet concerning certain hot cleantech business plans.  And just this morning, 2GreenEnergy Financial Services Associate Adrien Corbett invited me to a meeting of the World Harmony Forum on Investment Opportunities in The Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (East Timor). Making the presentation will be the head of state, His Excellency Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, Prime Minister.

It goes without saying that I rarely get a chance to meet people whom I need to remember to address as Your Excellency. I’ll be sure to ask about his excellence in renewable energy.

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One comment on “Renewable Energy in East Timor
  1. Jim Jonas says:

    Yes I know I would like to help. It has been time and will now it must be done. Internet means more than Governments. Time is now. It is our National Defense we Americans must do. Who will benefit it is not oil it is for American.