Global Climate Change and the Nature of Belief

Global Climate Change and the Nature of Belief

Frequent contributor Mark Vendetti sends an interesting article that I thought everyone would enjoy.  I believe there is a profound (albeit sad) truth here:


Check this out, it might help to explain why some people seem so resistant to change their thinking even when presented with the facts about climate change. 

There is no doubt that people really do hate to change their minds.  We’ve all seen this a million times, and it applies to ourselves just as well as it does to others.  It takes a level of bravery and humility — and that’s hard to muster anytime, and especially in an era where people are under such pressure in their day-to-day lives. 

I think you’re right to single out belief in Global Climate Change to illustrate your point.  I’m constantly amazed at how people dig their heels in on this issue.  I had a meeting with a very well educated guy a couple of weeks ago who said, “There is no way that man’s activity is affecting our ecosystem.”  “No way?” I asked, incredulously.  “Right.  It’s totally impossible,” he responded. 

Wow, that’s certainty in an area in which I would think such a level of confidence doesn’t make sense.  But that’s just me.  In any case, thanks, Mark. 

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