Low-energy Nuclear Reactors — News from Italy’s Focardi and Rossi

Low-energy Nuclear Reactors — News from Italy’s Focardi and Rossi

I’ve noticed that virtually all articles on cold fusion that appear online attract the same set of comments.

First, you have the supporters. These tend to be a combination of optimists, blended with those who believe that big oil is putting the kibosh on research into competitive energy solutions. (The latter is true, btw, but the fact that it’s true doesn’t imply that cold fusion is real.)

Then you have the detractors. I have less insight into the mentality of these folks, other than, as noted above, i.e., big oil, coal, and nuclear really are doing what they can to maintain their monopolies. Nay-sayers are also joined by those who think along the lines of the 1899 US patent office spokesperson who famously predicted that the number of patents would diminish rapidly over time, as virtually everything of importance had already been invented.  In addition, these people also tend to ignore the idea that many scientists demand the opportunity to review claims before they’re released to the media, and tend to rip up ideas that don’t go through that process.

As for me, I note that there are many credible scientists who study the subject seriously, and that these folks are achieving laboratory results that drive their own conviction in its validity.  As long as that’s the case, I’m more than willing to keep an open mind.   It’s hard for me to imagine why anyone would feel differently. 

Here’s my friend Tom Blakeslee’s piece on the developments in low-energy nuclear reactors coming out of Italy. I hope you’ll check it out – along with the comments.

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