Hot News from Washington DC: EVs are Good

I just had a meeting with Jeff Siegel of GreenChipStocks at the Electric Drive Transportation Association conference.  When we were finished talking business, we compared notes on the event.

While it’s good to see all this happening, my personal belief is that politics, being, as it is, about consensus, tends to make for some really boring presentations. This is sad, because in truth, the migration to EVs (and renewables) is chock full of interesting and important controversy. When one considers the competition for establishing standards, the fights for subsidies and incentives, and so forth, there is actually very little agreement.

All you’re left with is that “EVs are good,” and that “the details will emerge over time.” I’m not sure we need a conference to present that.

I write this from Union Station, waiting for my train to Philadelphia.  Staying at Mom’s; driving to NYC in the AM.

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