Obama Fails To Redeem Self on Clean Energy — But Man, Doesn’t He Speak Well?

Obama Fails To Redeem Self on Clean Energy — But Man, Doesn’t He Speak Well?

I’m incredibly moved by acts – or even words – of brilliance. And that’s why, as saddened as I am that Obama has disappointed so many of the progressives who brought him to power, I believe that all Americans should applaud the job he did in his talk the other night at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner.

Though I’m told I normally do an adequate job, I’m by no means an excellent public speaker. I appreciate the kind words, but I’m always working hard to improve my skills in this arena that I find so incredibly difficult.  And, as it turns out, I’m not alone.  Did you know more people are afraid of speaking in public than dying?  As the saying goes, we’d rather be in the casket than eulogizing the deceased.

I hope you’ll check this out, and see not only Obama’s consummate command of political rhetoric, but the comic timing of a Jay Leno or a Bob Hope. As I listened to it, impressed as always, I counted my blessings that I’m not directly related to Donald Trump.

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One comment on “Obama Fails To Redeem Self on Clean Energy — But Man, Doesn’t He Speak Well?
  1. GA says:

    It’s true. Regardless of what one may think of him as a leader, he sure can communicate!