Man Bites Dog: Conservative Columnist David Brooks Nailed This

Only once in a blue moon do I comment on the idiocies of the US Congress, and even less frequently that I extol the wisdom of conservative columnist David Brooks. But he has most certainly gotten this one right.

In his discussion of the debt ceiling issue, Brooks scolds the mean-spiritedness and riducles the ignorance of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor and Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell as follows: “(They) have no sense of moral decency” and “have no economic theory worthy of the name.” He goes on: “(If the deal blows up) Independents will conclude that Republicans are not fit to govern. And they will be right.”

I’m reminded of the line that the late Kurt Vonnegut wrote (I’m guessing) a dozen times in several of his novels: “Wow, that’s strong stuff.”

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