Windfuels to Meet with Top Clean Energy Venture Capitalists

I’m headed back to New York City next week for a great number of meetings, built around my “anchor appointment” – a two-day consulting action for our client Windfuels, for which I’m co-presenting at a venture capital forum. I’m always flattered when a client wants me to present its story to a large audience, as if I’m clean energy’s answer to Winston Churchill, which I clearly am not.

But bombast isn’t what’s needed here anyway.  Windfuels, for those who may have missed the concept, is a monumentally important breakthrough in synthetic fuels – one of only a few legitimate concepts that enables storing energy and making it available at a time and place of our choosing.

Nowadays, we have an enormous (and growing) amount of off-peak wind energy, generated late at night, that is unneeded and would otherwise be “curtailed” – or simply shut off.  Instead of letting all this energy go to waste, Windfuels offers a unique approach: a patented set of chemical reactions that use that energy as well as water and carbon dioxide as reactants, and transforms them to synthetic gasoline or diesel fuel as products.

I’ll be using my time in “The City” (as they call it) to meet with numerous other clients, prospects, and friends. As we’ve all experienced, travel isn’t as much fun as it used to be, so I like to extract as much value from each air mile as possible. If you’ll be in the area and want to have a cup of coffee one morning or a couple of beers some evening, please let me know.

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One comment on “Windfuels to Meet with Top Clean Energy Venture Capitalists
  1. Even our universities which should be at the vanguard of change have chosen instead to defend and assist the status quo while lining up at the federal and corporate troughs for more subsidies..The closest thing we have to a large public forum is the internet specifically web sites that deal honestly with the subjects that are leading us to collapse web sites such as Energy Bulletin. People would then have to figure out tillage creating seedbeds and how to maintain fertility..By the end of the last partnership society most societies are hierarchical violent patriarchal have a ruling elite and run on the energy of slaves.