“EV Profiler” — a Powerful Sales Tool for Electric Vehicles

I’ve begun delivering a consulting action for my client, the “EV Profiler.” Imagine, if you will, a device placed in your current car that provides a super-accurate report on the amount of energy you consume in your day-to-day driving.  Based on where you’re going, how you accelerate, the way you take the hills you encounter, etc., you wind up with a near-exact calculation of the kilowatt-hours of energy you consumed – and thus the knowledge of how you would have fared in a LEAF, a Tesla, a Ford Focus Electric, or any of the dozens of other pure EVs coming online in the next year or two.

As the marketing guy, my job is to help introduce the EV Profiler to the world. I’ll be showing it to the Nissans of the world, getting them to deploy it through each one of their LEAF dealerships.

I believe this will be a powerful sales tool, since, with respect to electric transportation, I believe there is a certain percentage of fence sitters – people whose principal concern is range anxiety. A prospective customer might ask, “Does this EV offer enough range to support the way I really drive?” I don’t know. Throw this in your current car for a week, and let’s find out.

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3 comments on ““EV Profiler” — a Powerful Sales Tool for Electric Vehicles
  1. Mihai Grumazescu says:

    Does it take into account if I turn on the AC or heat in my car? This kind of accessories require a lot of power and will impact the EV range. I doubt it does, but I like the concept of the EV Profiler anyway.

  2. Hi, thanks for the interesting article.

    There is an app called iEV for iPhone that do the same. It cost only 4.99€ and the user can use it forever if he wants.

    More Information about iEV can be found here.
