Kicking Off a New Idea in Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

One of our 2GreenEnergy clients in the electric vehicle charging sector has asked me to be a part of a ribbon-cutting ceremony for their latest product release this Wednesday in Seattle. And when a client asks for my participation, of course, I’m there in a shot; that’s part of my obligation under: Craig Shields, At Your Service.

In fact, I offered to speak at the event, even though I know many great public speakers — a whole bunch of assemblymen, the mayor of the city and potentially the governor of the state — would likely be attending. So I’m just as glad to be in the audience and not on the stage; I hate to compete with professional speech-makers.

In preparation, I’ve spoken with a large number of people  among the group that hired us, and they’ve all, to a person, mentioned that they’ll try to bring sunshine, as if apologizing in advance for the rotten weather that is most probable. That really IS an issue up there, isn’t it?

I’ll write an update post from Seattle on Wednesday.

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