Dead Energy

Jim Miller, long-time supporter of what we’re doing here writes back on the title for my next book, “The obvious choice is DEAD ENERGY.”

When I wrote back, “Wow. That makes a statement, doesn’t it?” he responded as follows:


Yes it does. In fact it makes several statements:

 The fuel is from dead plants and animals — millions of years ago.
 The use of fossil fuel kills — such as acid rain kills plants.
 The by-products of combustion “kills” our atmosphere — ozone layer depletion.
 The by-products of combustion kill the ice caps and glaciers which kills polar bears.
 The by-products of combustion raises the air temperature, melts the ice/snow cover from the tundra which decomposes and shoots tons of methane into the air and accelerates the warming of the Earth.
 The by-products will kill some of us.
 Coalmines have killed many miners.
 Strip coalmines have “killed” many mountaintops and polluted the earth, air and water.
 By exhausting the fossil fuel without finding a new source, our economy will be killed.
 Deep-sea drilling and accidents have killed millions of acres of marine resources and devastated our coastal lands.
 Transportation of fossil fuels is hazardous with multi-faceted consequences from accidents.
 The use of the internal combustion engine has driven our present “transportation economy” which has helped kill villages, towns, family farms and created an economy and society wedded to commuting — with its attendant costs in lives and money.

Thanks for the help, Jim.

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