Being Green and Sustainable at No Extra Charge

I spent many happy hours milling around the Opportunity Green conference in Los Angeles yesterday, meeting people who represent many dozens of different eco-friendly businesses. How many will succeed in the marketplace? That’s a function of the level of appetite we have for taking care of the environment and for each other. And the jury’s still out on that one; green products that cost more than their eco-toxic counterparts may be a tough sell—especially in today’s economic climate.

For instance, what about eco-friendly paint? Well, what happens when you blend a paint that has no VOCs (volatile organic compounds that are emitted as gases from certain solids or liquids, include a variety of chemicals, some of which may have short- and long-term adverse health effects)? Well, the paint doesn’t last as long.  So most of these products come at a cost. 

But not all. Design Printing uses only paper that is delivered under strict FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) standards, closely monitored, meaning, among other things, that for each tree removed from the forest, others are planted in its stead. And guess what? That paper is the exact same price as that of paper manufactured with reckless disregard to modern forestry practices. As one could expect, these folks do a rip-roaring business, as most people want to do the right thing if it doesn’t cost any more.

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