From Guest Blogger Don Harmon on: “Renewable Energy: Bubble, Scam or Both?”

Those of you writing books or blogs about Renewable Energy – take note of this recent article in the N.Y. Times:

Very sad what our country has evolved into. The “Renewable Energy: Bubble, Scam or Both?” Is spot on. Everyone should read it especially the unions and Occupy people. And as if this comes as a surprise to anyone.

The government incompetence is overwhelming. Now we find out that Kennedy got 1.4 billion, that is billion dollars, for his failed project. DOE gave India 38 million to start Solar companies in India. Obama nixes the XL Pipeline destroying the jobs it would have created and now Canada is going to sell the oil, that would have been delivered to the US, to China. It just keeps going on and on and on.

Here is another example.

Did you notice that the 12,000 plus panels used on the Duke projects were made in Canada? Where are the unions and Occupy people when we need them?Wonder if they will show up to fight for rate payers and citizens’ jobs with the Dominion Power travesty that is taking place? What drives me crazy is all the Automobile factories in Canada which make product solely for use in the USA and no one in the States thinks that is weird. I could understand it if GM/Ford/John Deere/Caterpillar, etc. are in Canada making stuff for sale in Canada and abroad but when 100% of production is directed at sales in the USA something stinks.

My thought has always been that what is being purchased in the USA should be Made in the USA and if there is a surplus that is what the USA should be exporting to other countries. What is happening is the USA is fast becoming a Nation of Consumers of everything made offshore and the rest of the Planet gets richer while the USA has 42 Million people on Food Stamps and Washington needing to borrow over One Trillion annually from abroad to keep the lights on.

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