Clean Energy as Discussed by Economists and a Host of Others

I just got home from the TV studio after shooting three hours of videos. Each time I do this, I come  away wondering if there could possibly be more exhausting work. I would have hoped that after all the time I’ve spent recently on radio and TV, I would have become fairly comfortable with a mic/camera in my face, but honestly, I was totally baked after three short hours.

One of the tasks today was to talk about my next book, Is Renewable Really Doable?, a set of interviews about where we are as a civilization with respect to energy policy, and where we’re headed – what we should do, vs. what we’re likely to do. It’s a set of talks, each of which I found richly rewarding, with economists, scientists, mathematicians, stock analysts, sociologists, and philosophers – who collectively led me to some realizations that I hope readers will regard as profound as I did myself.

When I uploaded the book to the publisher a week or so ago, I was happy to have it out of my hands. And it’s a similar joy to be home from the studio, the camera off, sipping a cool martini.

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