Living Large Means Living Small — and Other Messages of Kindness

In response to my piece on “living small,” frequent commenter Arlene writes:

Well said, Craig. It is unfortunate (for me) that I don’t believe humans will do the “right thing” until their backs are up against it.

I totally understand.  I think most people’s behavior is shaped by their surroundings and the messages they receive from the world around them. Unfortunately, the media surrounds us with suggestions that people can’t be trusted, and that even honest people, if they’re smart, look out for themselves.

Like a mouse attacking a wolverine, I try to issue consistent messages of compassion.  Even when I’m slamming someone or something, I try to advocate for what’s right, and point people in that direction. I realize it’s just a tiny contribution to the totality of kindness in the world, but I suppose it’s at least something.

And speaking of kindness, I hope you’ll check this out; this is exactly what I’m talking about. The more people are exposed to stuff like this, the better off each and every one of us are.


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