Bill McKibben’s “Eaarth” — Depressing?

A reader notes:

I just received Bill McKibben’s Eaarth. I read the preface and if I weren’t so old, I would be depressed. I’m looking forward to the rest.

I reply:

First, let me acknowledge that you are old, and depending on what exactly you mean by that, you’re likely to die before I do. But in the scheme of things, I’m going to be right behind you, and I submit that the fact that we’ll both be dead soon does little to change our responsibilities to leave behind the best planet we possibly can.

Second, you’re 100% correct in that what we’ve done to our planet is depressing. And that we continue to do it in ever-greater rapacity is nothing short of incredible. I find it astonishing that multi-billionaires are hell-bent on making another few billion at the expense of the health and safety of everyone and everything — living here now and tomorrow.

What type of person thinks that way? Personally, I would find it intensely difficult to enjoy my 500-foot yacht and mansions all over the world.  But maybe that’s just me.

In any case, it’s incumbent on people like you and me to say, “Damn it, there will be change here. We’ve wrecked our home long enough, and we’re putting an end to this.”


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One comment on “Bill McKibben’s “Eaarth” — Depressing?
  1. Aloha,
    I’ve been involved in Aquaculture supported Diversified Agriculture and Alternative Energy Projects (w/zero carbon footprint) in Hawai’i for over 30 years now. I’m 74, still at it, and refuse to quit addressing our future need for; “Sustainable Energy and Food Security”, I’m taking the long-term view, for my Progeny and Yours. “Perseverance Furthers.”

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  1. […] this stuff too closely, they are enjoying the heck out of McKibben’s masterpiece “Eaarth.”  I hope you’ll pick up a copy and share it with […]