LifeCube: On-demand Emergency Shelter

Here’s a product we support that may at first blush seem a bit far afield from 2GreenEnergy’s normal business arena: LifeCube. It’s on-demand emergency shelter for disaster response. In less than five minutes after arriving on the scene, a two-man first-responder team can assemble a sturdy, solid-floored space with food, water, medical supplies, communications, electricity and propane in which they can treat the wounded and conduct their operations.

The LifeCube people have been terrifically successful at telling their story (including coverage on the History Channel) and establishing manufacturing capacity in the United States. But, since disasters are an international affair, we at 2GreenEnergy are tapping our connections to help them establish business roots in the world’s most populous regions elsewhere around the globe. I spent a good part of the day today with the executive team, outlining some high-level strategies here, and I expect this to move very quickly.

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