Shortfall in Electric Vehicle Charging Stations?

A reader points out, “Given this map of electric vehicle charging stations, there is a serious shortfall, given that there will be over 30 models of electric vehicles available in 2013.”

I see the point, but I’m not particularly swayed. First and most obviously, we need to be more interested in the number of vehicles than the number of models; I’m sure the reader is aware of this. But we also need to keep in mind the driving style of these early adopters. To that end, note that there are 25 million multi-car, single-family homes in the U.S. alone where one of these cars travels less than 40 miles per day. In my mind, these are the perfect candidates. 25 million is a heck of a lot of low-hanging fruit – and note that this “fruit” doesn’t require ANY charger outside the home.

I’m not saying that charging at the workplace and marketplace won’t facilitate EV adoption, but it’s not truly required in the vast majority of these cases.

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