Good Ideas in Sustainability and Clean Energy Won’t Happen in the Absence of Good Leadership

A great number of folks wrote in, commenting on my recent piece in which I outlined Plans A, B, and C, i.e., three broad-level ways in which our society could deal with its sustainability issues vis-à-vis energy. Many people commented that a hybrid approach can – and should – be taken.

Good suggestions include integrating:

• A holistic approach to transportation that reduces overall fuel consumption and the number of individual cars and trucks in service

• Energy efficiency and conservation technologies (two different though related things), along with public education and incentive (e.g., time-of-use metering) to encourage use

• Population control: family planning, and especially education; on average, a literate female will have far fewer children than her illiterate counterpart

• Realistic ways of phasing out fossil fuels over a period of time, while aggressively developing and deploying renewables; an energy policy that states this clearly would be a good start

Of course, this last item points at the real issue, i.e., there’s a reason this isn’t happening. Our leaders happily take advantage of voter ignorance and apathy, while they rubberstamp the wishes of their paymasters in the traditional energy (oil, coal, and nuclear) industries. We need to communicate that our leaders have two options: 1) make this stuff happen, or 2) get a new job.



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One comment on “Good Ideas in Sustainability and Clean Energy Won’t Happen in the Absence of Good Leadership
  1. greg chick says:

    I am not sure why good leaders are not in Politics. Possibly good leaders can make lots of money in Pvt. sector. Bill Gates is a fine man, he does good things thru Rotary International and other places. Doing good things and being a leader, and being a politician are different things. So how can the people find leadership? I know go to Hollywood! that is what has happened….. I am not complaining, but where else can we find leadership? Good leaders are in Rotary, and politics are forbid in Rotary. Is Politics just a dirty thing? I mean Prostitution is what it is right? Or should I say negotiation and compromise. I think no Bill should be allowed that has more than ONE issue in it. Some say that would increase the time in Congress! I say the opposite