Thanks to Stephan A. Schwartz For His Contribution to “Is Renewable Really Doable?”

For those who may want a perspective on the migration to renewable energy that you’re extremely unlikely to find elsewhere, I present to you Stephan A. Schwartz, whose life has been spent exploring extraordinary human functioning, and how individuals and small groups can affect, and have affected, social change.

His work in parapsychology, archaeology, anthropology, medicine and healing, creativity, and social policy pair nicely with the questions I ask myself a great deal: What’s really going on behind the scenes when it comes to social phenomena?

The reader will note that there are two different subjects addressed here, and that the first of the two is of less obvious relevance to the subject at hand. In fact, I was tempted to edit this first section (the first five pages or so) out of the final manuscript. But upon re-reading it, I’ve decided to include it. I believe that most readers will find it as interesting as I did, and I am convinced that what Schwartz is saying is correct: a) human consciousness does, in fact, affect the exterior world, and b) that a small group of enlightened people can have a profoundly positive effect on society and on the future that we ultimately experience.

If this sounds “whacky,” I urge the reader not to skip the entire interview, but to advance past that point and rejoin the conversation; it would be a shame to miss the second half, regardless of your feelings about the beginning.

I am very grateful to Stephan for his help with the project; this really was one of the most fascinating conversations I’ve had in my entire life.

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