Environmental Radicals and Pragmatists

I just edited a 15-page article on sustainability a friend had written  for publication in a magazine. I thought it was really good, and, in addition to my complimentary remarks on his writing, I mentioned that, in terms of environmentalism, that he an I were “almost blood brothers.”

He wrote back: “I like your ‘almost blood brothers’ sentiment.”

I responded:

The only reason we’re not completely blood brothers is that you’re a bit more radical as an environmentalist. I think I tend to be more pragmatic given that we live in a market economy. But here’s where we completely agree, which I’ll distill into a sentence:

Corporatocracy, exacerbated by (U.S. Supreme Court Decision) Citizen’s United, has turned us into roboconsumers, most of whom have extremely unenlightened viewpoints of our responsibilities as stewards of the Earth.



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