Heartland Institute’s Impressive Display of Guts

Wow, I have to credit the right-wing Heartland Institute with a world-class level of chutzpah, though that’s actually too mild a word. The sheer crust, brass, audacity, effrontery – there’s a vulgar term too — required to run this ad on global warming, while promoting an intellectually oriented event to discuss the issue, is unparalleled. Understandably, participants are withdrawing, and sponsors are dropping them like a hot potato.

I wish I could have been in the conference room when they were discussing this. Didn’t someone ask, “It’s bold, but doesn’t it make us look like mean-spirited idiots?”

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2 comments on “Heartland Institute’s Impressive Display of Guts
  1. Frank Eggers says:

    Heartland certainly has a lot of cheek, temerity, nerve, gall, etc. No doubt they are first-class students of Señor Machiavelli.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Let then embarrass them selves, stupid is as stupid does…