Being on Big Oil’s Radar Screen — Is That Good?

Duke Brooks (old friend from school forty years ago) comments on my piece about the Koch brothers’ sponsorship of PBS’s NOVA: “I have heard that the Koch brothers speak very highly of you, by the way.”

Ha! You’re kidding, of course — though I’ve heard that I actually am in fact on the radar screen of big oil – not that that’s a good thing. The other day a guy from South Carolina called me and said, “Craig, your name’s come up twice in the last 24 hours, so I thought I’d give you a call and introduce myself.” He went on to explain, “(One of these incidents) was a conference call among the executive team at Shell Oil.”

“Holy mackerel,” I replied. “I can’t begin to imagine what they were saying about me. I bet it isn’t exactly gushing with praise; I haven’t been too kind to the oil industry.”

Unfortunately, he couldn’t remember what they were saying, or at least claimed he couldn’t. I shudder to think.


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11 comments on “Being on Big Oil’s Radar Screen — Is That Good?
  1. Tim Kingston says:

    Maybe this is a good thing, if indeed a man is judged by the quality of his enemies 🙂

  2. Frank Eggers says:

    Perhaps it’s a good thing to be on the radar screen of big oil; it indicates that your position on fossil fuels is receiving needed attention.

    We differ on how to end our dependence on fossil fuels, but not on the need to do so nor on the reality of global warming.

  3. Greg chick says:

    Any press is good press they say…Either way stand your ground. I had a conversation weeks ago with the CEO of SGG&E (San Diego Gas & Elect.)
    I told him of a conversation I had 32 yrs. ago with Executive Sr. VP of Southern Union Gas Toni Praisal in Texas. I said Mr. Prasil said we own and sell all this Gas, but we do not control it. Mr. Jesse Knight CEO @ SDG&G just walked away blank faced… expression or response. He had just delivered a speech about giving a damm and Green stuff and Nat Gas busses etc. as if big Oil had nothing to say about what SDG&E did with Nat. Gas and Transportation fuels. My point is big power is sometimes not candid and sometimes sells good will as if they had a monopoly on that too, don’t believe it. They will drop you in a second if they have no use for you.

    • Craig Shields says:

      Thanks. And yes, as Oscar Wilde (I believe) said, “The only bad piece of publicity is an obituary.”

  4. Frank Eggers says:

    Irish Republican writer Brendan Behan: “There’s no
    such thing as bad publicity except your own obituary”.

    Oscar Wilde: “The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about”.

  5. Mihai Grumazescu says:

    Don’t worry Craig. They are nice guys. They won’t harm you before making an offer…
    That’s why your name came up twice:)

  6. Duke Brooks says:

    Shades of Karen Silkwood…? I wouldn’t spend too much time worrying about a “Big Oil” secret Ninja assassination hit squad team showing up at 3:00am, though.
    Besides…the people at Royal Dutch Shell speak VERY highly of you!

    • Craig Shields says:

      Right! And, as Mihai Grumazescu notes below, they’ll probably make me an offer, presumably one I can’t refuse.

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