Guest Blogging on Clean Energy

Wow, I just noticed that our next post will be our 2000th! That’s the good news. The bad news is that I wrote 1721 of them. Let’s see if we can get a few more guest-bloggers active over the course of writing the next 2000. Fair enough?

I see each day how many readers have incredible insights to share.  Please don’t be shy.


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2 comments on “Guest Blogging on Clean Energy
  1. Jessy Troy says:

    Check out if you haven’t already. I have sourced dome of my best guest articles from there.

    On the other note. your blog looks really awesome! I’ll definitely go ahead and try my hand as well!

  2. Auth says:

    The general sotoliun to global heating’ that could have made a big difference was a carbon tax, on all sales stages of ALL forms of carbon, especially those intended to be burned in any way. All harvesting’ of carbon speeds it on its way to becoming CO2. Pharmaceuticals and such have a lot of value added , so their prices wouldn’t be greatly affected. Then I thought that peak oil might cause enough financial disruption to save us from the worst effects. Now, general economic corruption seems to be an even more short-term sotoliun, expanding faster, maybe collapsing the economy quickly enough too give us hope. Any of these must necessarily be accompanied by major population reduction, intentionally or otherwise and ongoing population control, to bring our energy expenditures back in line with incoming solar energy.