Climate Change Has Benefits, Too

Glenn Doty notes that climate change will have benefits for some:

It depends on whether you live near the beach. Rising oceans won’t affect Canada much at all… but the arctic ice cap melting has opened up the Northwest passage for the first time in human history, and new trade between Scandinavia, Russia, and Canada is occurring every summer. If you lived up there, you’d think it was a great thing.

I suppose you have a point, but here’s the way I look at it: Even though I live at 780 feet elevation, I’m a fan of Boston, NY, Philadelphia, Miami, Los Angeles, San Diego, and all the other places in the US that would cease to exist. And I’m not looking forward to living in a world that is trying to find new homes for hundreds of millions of refugees from low-lying cities all over the world.

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5 comments on “Climate Change Has Benefits, Too
  1. Glenn Doty says:



    I never denied that there would be more damage than good, nor even hinted at that. I’ve been concerned about and actively trying to mitigate climate change for my entire adult life. I merely stated that it was intellectually dishonest to pretend that some regions would benefit while more regions would see negative impacts. That remains true.

  2. What if deniers bought up beach front property because “smart” people sold them and the deniers were the ones affected?

    • I do constantly comment that deniers should purchase water front property and not be allowed to buy insurance or government flood insurance or get any kind of government assistance or compensation when the water swallows up their valuable investment. Even though they will profess their undying denying and absolute certainty that this will not happen, they are not quite willing to go that far. They are not willing to put their money where their beliefs are.

  3. Tim Gard says:

    How much impact would covering open areas in the arctic with a white cloth, or even a reflective cloth have on this impact? It seems the cost of relocating Los Angeles alone could buy a ‘few million square feet’ of the stuff and then maintain it.