Sustainability Means Celebrating Our Common Humanity

Among my core beliefs is that our common humanity is a far more dominant aspect of who we are than our surface-level differences. Occasionally, I come across a beautiful depiction of this concept, and when I do, I like to share it. I hope you’ll enjoy this short film, the winner of an international contest in which directors were asked to submit a piece of no more than three minutes and containing no more than six lines of dialogue.

Thanks to my friend, public speaking champion Lance Miller for sending it to me, and for his profound comment: Sincerity trumps sensationalism in speaking, cinema and life. This is a great example of a sincere story that allows the audience to fill in all the blanks and understand the bond of love and kindness that holds human beings together.


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3 comments on “Sustainability Means Celebrating Our Common Humanity
  1. Don Harmon says:

    Very touching, Craig – thanks for sharing that.

  2. Actions speak louder than words

    • Craig Shields says:

      Very true. “‘Well done’ is better than ‘well said,'” as I think Ben Franklin wrote.