Article on Climate Change in Popular Science

Thanks to 2GreenEnergy aeroponics guru Rafael Quezada for sending me this recent piece on climate change in Popular Science. This sums up the picture very nicely, in my estimation. Bottom line: The outlook isn’t brilliant.

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5 comments on “Article on Climate Change in Popular Science
  1. Even if Climate change was not happening, the efforts to use alt. energy are still well founded. Not just for one other reason but a few. Empowering the Mideast anti American with all our money for the Oil they sell us is in of it’s self stupid to a very bad end. We will be lucky to live to see the sea level rise.
    Greg Chick

    • klem says:

      We’ll all live to see sea level rise, it rises every day. Its been rising an average of 6mm per year for the last 20,000 years.

      • Glenn Doty says:


        There is a difference between “average” and “every year”. The collapse of the Scandinavian Ice Shelf (~8000 years ago, aka “Noah’s flood”), might have sent ocean waters higher by more than a meter in a single decade. There was a period known as the “Meltwater Pulse” which resulted in more than 30 meters of water level increase over the course of only 1000 years… But over the course of the last 7000 years there has been only ~3 meters in sea-level rise (~0.4mm/year), and there’s evidence that sea level began its cyclical drop ~5000 years ago (typical cycle based on orbital patterns), but that was reversed due to growing climate change from the culturally aware humans who were beginning to adopt industrial agriculture civilizations.

  2. james gover says:

    I read the entire article and found it to be a description of the horrible behavior that the global warming topic is inspiring. Moderates have known for a long time the the ultra left and the ultra right are extremists who are obsessed with their stovepipe positions. I prefer to not spend my time discussing the behavior of idiots – the evening news already does this. Unfortunately, the political world has now taken this issue away from the scientists. At this point in time the scientific community must prepare a thorough description of the science that is important to global warming that the non-climate technical community can review and digest.

    • Craig Shields says:

      “I prefer to not spend my time discussing the behavior of idiots…”

      I really like that, Dr. Gover. I need to think through the implications; I certainly do spend a great deal of time doing exactly that.