Portable Solar Energy Generation

I serve as a “mentor” to the presenters at the Clean Business Investment Summit.  First up this morning was a portable solar PV/battery product, a concept that has merit in certain specific market segments.  Principally I think of disaster relief, movie sets, events in off-grid locations, military, etc. 

Most of the other panelists advised the presenter not to mention climate change and environmentalism, because it could “turn people off.”  I completely (but respectfully) disagreed.  Who’s going to buy this except those who see a problem with fossil fuels? The product doesn’t compete on a price/watt basis with gasoline generators.  If you’re unconcerned with sustainability, you’re not a customer here. 

I also told the young man, “The real task here is barrier to energy.  No offense, but anyone with a solar panel, an old bicycle, and a blowtorch is a potential competitor. I suggest you figure out how you can offer something that provides a unique set of benefits.  Then, make sure you brand the living hell out of it. I can help you with that.”

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2 comments on “Portable Solar Energy Generation
  1. arlene says:

    I would not speak to the details of something for which I was not present. I can say that I’ve seen a multiplicity of portable solar generators in the last decade, and they generally appeal to those who must be offsite of any 120/240V and there are also considerations regarding running a traditional generator. I’ve used that kind of setup myself in putting on pyrotechnic / special effects in sensitive locations where there could be no noise.

    I have no sense of how much of a market there is. I would guess its already close to saturated because the businesses that need it have already done their homework, found it and bought it.

    • Craig Shields says:

      I don’t know about market saturation. Over the coming decade, the military will be buying this stuff at am amazing rate.

      You bring up noise, which is a good point; that really is another benefit.