George Will on Global Climate Change

The rank and file tea party pretty much uniformly buys the idea that the theory of global climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the rising tide of socialist forces.  Zzzzzzzzzz.

Sorry, I must have dozed off there for a second.  That’s news?  Wouldn’t I be more surprised if the gigantic machine of right-wing political forces, with more money than God, had failed to mobilize a large constituency of people who can’t think for themselves around this message? 

Yet the concept that there are a few intellectuals who remain steadfast in their rejection of this theory is irksome to me.  And the idea that one of them is George Will, a fellow alumnus of Trinity College, is absolutely surreal.  Here’s an article on Will’s viewpoint on climate change that I think readers will find interesting. 

Those of you who checked out the link will be called upon to wonder: Is it fair to call his reasoning “ossified” (a participle of which the author is obviously quite fond)?  To be honest, I don’t know what to call this type of thinking; I guess “ossified” is as good a term as any.  But frankly, I don’t begin to understand what’s going on inside his head.  He’s an extremely bright guy.  Why he’s jumping out of his skin to contest a theory that is supported by virtually all climate scientists is anyone’s guess.  


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