September's Webinar – Eco-Capitalism

I’d like to invite you to our September webinar, featuring my friend and colleague Andy Lower, Executive Director of The Eleos Foundation.  Eleos is a dynamic non-profit, that, through its for-profit subsidiaries, invests in and partners with social entrepreneurs who effectively implement high impact, early stage, pioneering market based solutions in the fight to eradicate extreme poverty.

The relevance to 2Greenenergy’s participation in sustainability is obvious: creating jobs for the world’s poor is really the only way to make this huge segment of Earth’s population self-sufficient.  The tie-in to renewable energy may be less apparent, but it’s nonetheless quite interesting.  Eleos recognizes the importance of appropriate technology and its direct impact in dealing with poverty, and I’ve often pointed out the value of an investment in the manufacturing and deploying of clean energy products, e.g., solar panels, small wind turbines, electric vehicles, etc., that will:

• Dramatically reduce the carbon footprint of the area, by reducing the amount of hydrocarbons burned for light and heat.

• Help the developing world leapfrog over dirty 20th Century technology, just like it did with telephony (huge regions in Africa and Asia went directly to cell phones, and never had to incur the cost of the landline infrastructure).  Here, entire sub-continents have the potential to leap over fossil fuel energy and go directly to renewables.

• Electrify parts of the developing world for the first time, bringing lighting and information technology to people who need it for education.  We all understand the value of education in any culture, but here there is a decided additional benefit:  since educated women tend to have significantly fewer offspring, we’re aggressively mitigating population and resource scarcity issues.

I hope you can join Andy and me for a lively discussion, Friday, September 21st, at 10:30 AM PDT — (1:30 PM EDT).  Here’s the sign-up form.


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3 comments on “September's Webinar – Eco-Capitalism
  1. Frank Eggers says:

    I support renewable power systems in those situations where they make sense, such as in remote areas where connecting to the grid would be impractical. That is the situation in many areas of developing countries and in a few remote areas even here in the U.S. In those situations, power that is not totally reliable is far better than no power at all and small generators tend to be a maintenance headache.

  2. james beyor says:

    Frank is absolutly correct. The large windmills in Maine and out in the oceans are beginning to see problems with bearing failures and generorator problems which are demanding and difficult to fix and maintain due to heights and weights, esp. from excessive weights of 100 ft blades and snap-forces exserted by the rapid wind shifts. We are novices in the new, suppossed, green arena, repleat with new problems and new demands.
    More than likely, being inside a political box the USA wil pass new laws, set up new boundries, establish a new work fource to insure over seeing people in the processing of its always new justice to insure failure. Rome failed with great ideals set in motion by a political wheel and its agenda. We, the great US of A, stole thier legal system which was apart of the same HOLY [no less] Inqusition which became an emdemic processing system which devowered its own people. it only took two hundred years to do that. No civilized, so called, government has passed the test of being able to see what its belief system is doing. Here we are at the prssipice of a new wolrd order. look out people. its not friendly in any way and it is very hunrgy and its head is so large, the body is nealy depleted once again.
    We are doing this today. The word in mind control is the TERRORIST. It was the COMMIE, is i grew up. Then it was the RED regime. Until we wake up to the eye-con failures first…ICON induction training…IE, brain washing, we can think logically about individule purposes and the need to change this nast way of life, processing our planet like we OWN it. We do not. laws do not protect, tehy instill fear. We sell fear. We buy fear. Love and caring removes both fear and the need for provocational-laws, which they are. Law is a nasty business for its own ends. We need a new revolution of serious thinkers, people who can FEEL.
    Direct knowing capcity, to be exact. A living truth which, because it is NOW and it is alive with life in its veins, ale to see the future as slowing down the wheels of injustice first, deal with problems directly with out sucking the life bllood of the people. But, are we ready for GREEN? Green to mean smarter, wiser and slow down the consummer nighnmare.
    Our training wheels are on. Let use take baby steps and share our technologies with the world. James.

  3. To all concerned the USA will never recover from the current depression until a fixed what caused it. Rogue banks and greedy builders turned home building into a Ponzi scheme. Stealing trillions of dollars…. To fix a problem you must go back to the source. Affordable housing.

    The two patents I have in solar and you thermal now allow lowering the cost of solar by 40% because we have patented a rooftop method to follow the Sun and generate 40% more electricity from every solar panel installed on a rooftop… And if no provide solar energy to zero out your electric bill,. A 2000 home will save $2-$300 per month. There are 9 million homeowners that heat with oil which today is $4.20 a gallon…. The second energy saver we have patented lowers the cost of geothermal again by 50%…

    Install both on one home and create it has zero cost for energy price tag $50,000 for both on Long Island New York 60% of this cost is returned by the electric company and the clean energy act, 40% is poor on a lease … $20,000 $217 a month for 10 years are your savings on gas propane and electricity are 9000 a year…. Lowering the cost of living by $5000 per year= affordable housing. Which shall can be built and sold for 7% down. With a 500 credit score..
    This easily sells an additional 500,000 affordable to live in and purchase houses. And puts 1 million people to work
    not one venture capitalist. Government agent will check or publicize these patents in case anyone cares to call me 847-466-2221