From Guest Blogger Jessica Greenberg: Hydraulic Fracturing – The Real Truth Behind the Mask of Lies

Everyone needs fossil fuel; that is the actual truth. The government needs fossil fuel for public energy consumption, the military needs fossil fuel as oil for their heavy equipment, almost everyone in society understands the importance of fossil fuel. Unfortunately, fossil fuel reserves underneath the Earth is fast depleting.

According to recent surveys, there is only enough coal to last for 417 years, oil reserves will likely get depleted within 43 years, and natural gas will be gone from the Earth in 167 years. Due to this discovery, a lot of companies are now looking to harvest natural gas instead of coal and oil. Natural gas is a type of odorless and colorless fossil fuel that can be used as an alternate source of energy. Unlike coal and oil, which emit hundreds of dangerous chemicals into the air when burned or used, natural gas does not release as much harmful chemicals than coal or petroleum does. The only catch is that the natural gas reserves can no longer be reached by normal digging techniques and tools. When this happens, most natural gas companies resort to hydraulic fracturing, otherwise known as “fracking”.

What exactly is hydraulic fracturing?

Hydraulic fracturing is a faster way of harvesting fossil fuel underneath the Earth by injecting or pumping pressurized liquid within the fossil fuel deposits underground. When this happens, the reserves are fractured and natural gas is released for the miners to harvest. It’s a very efficient process and it only takes a few hours for the whole process to complete. The pressurized liquid goes through a “well bore”, a deep hole formed within the reservoire rock formations that keep fossil fuel intact and can be easily harvested once fracking is done.

Pretty convenient for these companies to have this kind of mining technology in their disposal. Unfortunately, Mother Nature doesn’t view hydraulic fracking favourably. And so does public health and safety.

In areas where fracking is done by petroleum and natural gas companies, there have been several complaints coming from citizens living in the area. Apparently, a number of residents are now complaining of chest pains, difficulty in breathing, head aches, and other maladies that started when hydraulic fracking started in the area. Upon closer investigation by concerned groups, the chemicals used for hydraulic fracking are very lethal to humans and animals. Not only that, there is also the danger of polluting the water reserves under the ground. Concerned individuals realize that within a few years of fracking, there won’t be any safe potable water left under the Earth!

Oil Derrick

Fracking also introduces these toxic chemicals in the air. Employees working for mining companies have had health problems ever since they started working with the chemicals used for fracking. Unfortunately, most mining companies who rely heavily on fracking continue to deny the dangers of fracking. Of course, it is the only way to effectively mine fossil fuel underground. But more and more concerned groups are pushing the government to ban hydraulic fracking.

Some of the world governments have realized the dangers of such activity and have decided to ban hydraulic fracking. The only question remains is whether the rest of the world would follow in stopping this dangerous mining technique once and for all.

About the Author:

Jessica Greenberg is an experienced blogger/alternate energy researcher from San Diego, California. She spends most of her time writing and surfing the Internet for forums and discussions about alternate energy, shopping for home decors, and how to stop global warming. If not busy on the Internet, she spends her time going out with her friends, looking for cheap computer parts or going to the beach for a swim.

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7 comments on “From Guest Blogger Jessica Greenberg: Hydraulic Fracturing – The Real Truth Behind the Mask of Lies
  1. Tim Gard says:

    If you check your numbers on coal, they are estimated based on current usage. If we begin to ramp up electrical generation using gas and coal, their life estimates will decrease exponentially for both of these elements. Electric cars anyone?
    Also note, depleted ( …oil reserves will likely get depleted within 43 years …)is at the far right of the bell curve, long after serious problems have materialized due to oil shortages. (See Drs. Duncan and Youngquist, University of California at Berkley.)
    There is not enough ‘green’ in the ‘green energy’ we look at today … We need a real store-able element to maintain our status quo. And soon.

  2. arlene says:

    While I tend to a data focus rather than a qualitative one, the depletion / accretion graphs are complicated by many variables beyond simply proven / probable / possible reserves. M K Hubbert’s peak oil graphs were quite accurate in the context of traditional reserves, but as soon as we developed mining and processing techniques for bitumens and the like, the reserves became more a question of economics – how much are you willing to pay for a barrel of oil?

    Most oil companies will own up to the fact that they can successfully frack for oil at $60/barrel. Anything higher is profit. This is not, however, a constant, but rather more about the nature of the reserves such as the ND Bakken formation. The pre-salt Petrobas discoveries off shore Brazil were heralded as demonstrating there is more where that came from, but the pro-oil faction chooses to not mention those discoveries might cost as much as $100/barrel. With the world seemingly comfortable at prices as high as $120-140/barrel, we have tacitly given the go-ahead for such explorations and productions.

    Adding additional complication is the reality of synfuel processes that can create various types of liquids from both gas and coal. Same resulting analysis – its more about the economics.

    Personally, due to the above mentioned and more, I have moved past peak oil analysis and focused on the issue of carbon released into the atmosphere. As documented elsewhere, we have an over abundance of fossil fuels so as to completely bake the planet several times over. I see our range of solution sets as needing to prioritize that particular nasty over the myriad other issues of energy generation.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Jessica Greenberg might spend her time more profitably if she actually did a little research into the subject she chose to pontificate about.

    Hydraulic Fracturing is not an especially new or dangerous techniques for extracting some natural gas deposits. Nor is there any danger of contamination of the water table or air if the technology is applied correctly.

    Anecdotal hysteria from unreliable sources, and confusion with naturally occurring contamination, have been combined with anti-natural gas ideology to create a campaign of disinformation.

    For those who adhere to a reductionist philosophy, the discovery of a huge new supply of energy within the borders of the USA, must be a disaster ! Nevermind that such a boon will address most of America’s economic woe’s,… to the reductionist, this is the ultimate evil !

    ‘Mother nature’, that anthropomorphic icon, will be angry with these impudent descendants of monkey’s, whom (in the view of folk like Jessica Greenberg) , the planet would be better without!

    A more practical solution than rousing a mob of Luddites to grab pitchforks, light torches and march like Lemmings to economic suicide,…. might be to encourage the Federal Government to fulfill it’s correct role, and establish regulations and monitoring procedures ensuring Hydraulic Fracturing technology follows best practice standards.

    Less exciting, but far more beneficial !

    • Jess_Greenberg says:

      I understand your point. Indeed, there are lots of things that I (and most people) don’t know of and I would love to hear from you. Unfortunately, I can’t exactly do that since you didn’t leave your name. Or are you too ashamed to confront my lack of information?

      I’d like to thank those who made comments about my post. Really, I appreciate it. The reason why I blog is because I’d like to know more, so if you’d like to comment or perhaps provide more information about the topics I wrote, go right ahead and leave a comment, not an anonymous post.

  4. marcopolo says:

    @Jess Greenburg.

    Thank you for your reply.

    I have no idea why my last comment appeared as anonymous, or indeed my previous reply failed to appear.

    Globally, the influence of environmental movements has begun a dramatic decline since 2008 . The reasons are complex, partly due to economic factors and public ennui, but also the adverse reaction to the wildly exaggerated claims and hysterically offensive rhetoric employed by some advocates.

    The ‘Green’ movement is perceived by a majority of the general public as having been hi-jacked by the old socialist-left, and has lost focus.

    Millions of earnest blogs and much passionate activism is wasted on poorly conceived campaigns against large industries, or supporting impractical concept that have little chance of success.

    Yet, really serious environmental issues are left to languish simply because there is no ‘sexy’ political agenda.

    The US government, like many developed countries, spends a great deal of time and money attempting to enforce clean air regulations in the automotive industry.

    Yet while the government struggle with controlling mice, it ignores the huge toxic monster in the corner of the room !

    The practice of international shipping to operate using No.6 Marine grade Fuel Oil (Bunker oil) is largely ignored !

    Yet, just one container ship emits the equivalent of the toxic pollution from 50 million cars per year to the biosphere ! The proven estimates of 180,000 deaths per year from this carcinogenic pollution in the Northern hemisphere alone, are virtually ignored.

    These figures will grow dramatically once the effects of Bunker Oil pollution in the food chain are fully documented.

    The elimination of the largest single atmospheric global polluter, is not only possible, (the technology exists) but economically feasible.

    Yet, US environmentalists, would rather spend passionate energy on worrying about the dubious environmental benefits of effects of banning a pipeline.

  5. Paul Felix Schott says:

    Should not the title of this be Ed Rendell Backs His Own Pocket Book.

    WE THE PEOPLE need to send Ed Rendell and all local officials that have anything to do with Poisoning are ground and water a message stop worrying get to love Jail.


    Hydraulic Fracturing a Danger to us All.

    Why would anyone think we have water to waste.

    Some one forgot to tell all about all the poison chemicals that this ungodly Lisa Jackson gave a green light to put in are ground and water.
    And help the Industry, so to they will never have to disclose all the poison chemicals they have used. Thank GOD Texas overturned this unjust law.

    Only the wicked in mind Leaders in this Nation and around the world would let anyone Pipe Pollution into the ground to get gas in return from the Ground. Most all scientist have know this for many years that this will end safe drinking water for all that are in the area of where they are fracturing, in which Millions of Gallons of Dangerous Poison Chemically Treated Water are forced underground to break up rock and free gas.

    We need regulations from GODLY People that will stop 10,000+ wells a year drilled using hydraulic fracturing to free and make the Dangerous Poison Chemicals underground into gas. The primarily affect will be unsafe drinking water and many will become sick.

    THE HEALTH OF MANY WILL DETERIORATE because of A Few Wicked Greedy Leaders. Those who have made these decisions do not know Jesus Christ. Soon He will say i know you not. They belong in jail soon it will be hell for them. What sick in mind would let or want anyone to put Dangerous Poison Chemicals underground or into the ground anywhere.

    The wicked are trying to sell and tell all if it is not near your home or land it is safe. This is the biggest ling of horse manure. Do they think most of We The People are that dumb or that most Americans lack any intelligence at all. What ever is put on or in the ground makes it way to our underground Aquifers, Rivers, Lakes and the Oceans. Every Scientist on Earth knows this and most all that have made it to eighth grade in school.

    So why would any Leader with a good healthy mind ever say or want this?

    Vote any wicked that has anything to do with this out of office they work for WE THE PEOPLE. Then need to go to jail. Soon it will be not jail but Hell. Revelation 11:18

    United We Stand In GOD We Trust

    The Lord’s Little Helper
    Paul Felix Schott


    Wicked Leaders telling their friends as long as you can cover it up and it will not get back to me it is ok with me. Are you sure we will not go to jail for making money by Polluting the ground and water. Of course not we make the laws to fit our needs not the health and welfare of others or as they used to say We The People. Its now the Wicked Leaders and rich Rule. Till our Lord GOD comes!

    Solar Energy the way to go.

    Many States Are and are Banning Fracking or Fracturing.

    Banned Hydraulic Fracturing




    South Africa




    Aotearoa (New Zealand)

    Nova Scotia


    Mora County New Mexico enacted a ban, as well as a resolution to change the state constitution to put community rights above corporations.

    The State of Vermont

    The list is to long, to list all that have

    Banned Hydraulic Fracturing.

    Archimedes and Albert EinsteinThese two are at the top of the list of the World’s Greatest Scientists,Viewed by Scientist around the World.

    Sad that for the last 25 years or so of every teacher asked no matter what Grade k through 16. At least 80% of them did not know Archimedes.

    Even sadder 90%of them could not tell you what one of the most Brilliant Scientist to everlive on Earth.

    Won the Nobel Prize for.

    It was for the work Albert Einstein did to show the World it could get Free Energy, Electric from the SUN.


    We still do not teach this to are YOUNG in SCHOOLS why?

    Church’s all over the Globe have Gone SOLAR why have not are SCHOOLS ?

    There is enough Energy from our SUN to power all are needs and more. Albert Einstein