Ocean Acidification and Fossil Fuels

A friend just sent me this piece on ocean acidification and asks: “The tipping point has tipped?”

I respond:

Could be.  In truth, no one knows. 

I’ve been writing about this for years.  In fact, when I’m on a radio show and a climate change denier calls in and wants to duke it out with me, I normally say something like, “I’ll tell you what.  I know there are people who rail against the 98% of climate scientists who have spent their careers studying the subject and ultimately support the global warming theory.  You should know that ‘deniers’ are far more numerous outside the scientific community than within it – a point that should mean something to you.  So yes, there are people who don’t believe this theory.  But are there people who don’t believe in lung cancer?  Terrorism?  War?  Ocean acidification?  I urge you to pick one of the many other independent reasons to migrate away from fossil fuels.”

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