Two Videos Worth Your Time

I was helping my daughter study for her poli-sci midterm the other evening, and we came across the word “polarization.”  I hope you’ll take a moment and watch the videos mentioned below which, in my opinion, are both very well done but really couldn’t do a better job in defining the word. 

I present them in the context of a discussion I had with a reader, Jerry, who sent me this quite powerful piece attacking the concept of government involvement in energy

… to which I replied:

Thanks, Jerry:

Well if that’s what you believe, that is your business — and you’re certainly not alone.  But if you’re looking for another perspective (though it doesn’t appear you are), you may want to check out this piece on Romney and the effects we’re likely to experience from an administration with him as president.  It’s at 4.5 million views, so it’s getting some traction, though (obviously) that doesn’t prove anything.   

Having said all this, I suspect the truth is closer to the center.  We need to encourage talented people to work hard and succeed, and we need to protect our environment and provide certain social services.  Isn’t that true, all the demagoguery aside?  Can’t we talk calmly and try to muster our best thinking in an effort to work our way out of what is a very complicated and dangerous situation?  If you really think that Ayn Rand / unregulated capitalism is the big answer here, I encourage you to look further.  Just ask yourself: What caused the financial collapse of 2008?

Knowing 2GreenEnergy readers as I’ve come to, I have to think that you’ll get something out of both these short videos.  



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