Fund Raiser for Haiti This Evening

I coached several years of my children’s participation in soccer and basketball, including my son Jake’s soccer team five years ago when he was 14, one of the highlights of my life, as it connected me with so many fine people, and, at the end of the day, a really good cause. In particular, one of the kids on the team, Joel Blacker, comes from a devout Christian family that does a ton of humanitarian work in Haiti.  Here’s a video he made on the subject a few years ago. 

During this soccer season, Joel’s father Jez and I became fine friends; in fact, we went on to co-coach a few other soccer teams on which Jake and Joel both played.  Tonight, my wife Becky and I went out to watch his band play a concert (he’s a singer in a rock and roll band) — a fund raiser for their efforts. More on what this is about is available here.

Joel is “not just anyone,” btw.  Here’s a short piece I wrote on coaching that I hope you’ll enjoy; Joel’s the one mentioned at the end.   

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