Advocates for Fracking Say Farewell to the Shale Resources and Society Institute

Those following the controversy around fracking may be interested in this piece, detailing a key decision at SUNY Buffalo.  Until yesterday, the Shale Resources and Society Institute (SRSI) was a part of the university, though many people made accusations to the effect that SRSI was a public relations front for the oil and gas industry to promote fracking under the guise of the scientific legitimacy that a university offers.

A letter from SUNY Buffalo President Satish K. Tripathi, who closed SRSI on Monday, said that the nail in the coffin was what some had called its “shill gas study,” the first paper the group published. All of the co-authors of this paper had direct ties to the oil and gas industry, as did four out of five of its peer reviewers.

Here’s a reminder that it’s never too late to stand up and do the right thing.  Good going, Dr. Tripathi. 

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One comment on “Advocates for Fracking Say Farewell to the Shale Resources and Society Institute
  1. I’ve never understood how people can support a technique that poisons the most vital resource on the planet – fresh water – to chase after a resource that damages the planet when it’s used and (with holistic accounting) shows no benefits over more sustainable alternatives. It’s a con game and nothing more, with stakes that could hardly be more dear.