From Guest Blogger Jason Castillo: Solar Insights and Perspectives


In simple terms, solar power is the radiant light that comes from the sun. Since ancient times man has recognized the potential of this energy source. Now, different mechanisms continue to evolve to harness this power, with solar panels being the latest and most efficient. This source of energy is rapidly becoming more practical because other alternative power sources are either too costly or produce inconsistent results.

The United States is currently in a whirl of solar installation. For instance, during the second quarter of 2012, nearly 750 megawatts of photovoltaics (PV) panels have been installed, and the national total is expected to top three gigawatts. Obviously, something is brewing and even popular chain stores the likes of Walmart, Macy’s and Costco have taken to lead in the solar panel installation frenzy.

Advantages/Benefits of Solar Energy

Solar energy is one of the ‘cleanest’ and most environment-friendly among all forms of power sources. It can significantly reduce a home or an office’s carbon footprint and it also minimizes noise pollution since solar panels operate silently. These make solar energy a highly viable power source for homes and businesses without having concerns about inflicting further harm to our already ailing planet.

Going solar is cost effective and is therefore an excellent solution for people who are tired of paying hefty power bills. Across the U.S., power rates have been rising six percent annually over the past three decades. Going solar allows you to take control of your power costs and finally opt out of hikes in utility rate. As a matter of fact, you won’t have any monthly bills! You just need to install efficient solar panels that will boost the conversion of radiant light to usable power. No one will charge you for harnessing the innate power of sunlight through your solar panels. It’s absolutely natural and the best part is that it’s free!

Another distinct advantage of solar energy is that it is reliable. Just think of the number of power outages and interruptions you had to endure because the local power supplier’s facility bogged down due to some unforeseen or unnecessary reasons. Such is not an issue with solar power. For as long as the sun rises, you can rely on solar energy. Sure, there will be days when the sky is overcast and solar panels can’t generate so much energy; however, your supply of power will rarely cease.

Going Solar and its Effect on Property Value

Installing solar panels will certainly increase the value of your property and help you sell it
faster in case you intend to do so. The U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy revealed that solar homes sell twice as fast when compared to those without solar panels. This holds true even when the economy is on a downturn. Moreover, it was found in a recent economic study that the installation of solar panels resulted in an increase in home values by approximately 3.5 percent.

Electricity is the single, most important man-made contributor to climate change in the U.S. It has been estimated that roughly 40% of the country’s greenhouse gas emissions originate from power plants, and another 15% from residential power consumption. Hence, each time you switch on the lights, you are essentially creating pollution and contributing to global warming. Solar power enables you to supply your home with clean and renewable energy. All of us can make a huge difference by simply converting our humble abode into a solar home.

Author Bio:

Jason Castillo is a freelance writer and an active solar energy advocate who loves to feature people and companies that promote a healthy mother Earth through the use of renewable solar energy resources.

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