Electric Vehicles in New York City

The mayor of New York City wants to install 10,000 EV charging stations.

Yikes.  I hate to sound unsupportive, but the last thing I want on that island is a car – of any type.  When I have meetings in the surrounding areas of New Jersey or Connecticut that aren’t served well by train and then find myself coming into the city, I reluctantly rent a car.  But the very first thing I do when I get through the tunnel is drop that sucker off at the nearest AVIS location — as if it were a hot potato.  If there were ever a case of the “wrong tool for the job,” it’s a car in Manhattan.  

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One comment on “Electric Vehicles in New York City
  1. Aaron says:

    A popular SF writer did a piece that mentioned eliminating POV’s on the island and in his opinion, the number of taxis they had to replace the cars with killed the advantages of not allowing private cars.