Commas, And Their Correct Use — By, Daddy

Here’s something I wrote for my son when he was a little kid.  It’s off-topic in the extreme, but some people have told me they think it’s funny, so I thought I’d post it.



Commas, And Their Correct Use

By, Daddy

This short essay, contains lots of errors with commas.   Some are quite glaring don’t you think?  Some others aren’t so obvious, you’ll have to look carefully to find them all.  For instance is it proper to conjoin two independent clauses with just a tiny measly insignificant comma?  I and I’m well over 40 years old don’t think so.  Is it proper to separate, the subject from its predicate with a comma?  Again I think not.  All in all you have to be pretty sharp bright and quick-witted to know where to place those commas! 

 My 7th grade English teach Phil Maroney had plenty to say, on the subject of commas, and their correct use, once he roared at the class “Do you just throw in a comma because it doesn’t cost anything?”  Even though we all were terrified of him we knew he had made a really good sound point one that we would remember forever. 


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2 comments on “Commas, And Their Correct Use — By, Daddy
  1. Frank Eggers says:

    Originally, commas were to be used where a speaker would naturally pause. The exact rules for using them were added later.