Santa Barbara Savvy Investors

I’ve been asked to speak at an upcoming meeting of the Santa Barbara Savvy Investors

Originally attracted because of the tie-in to what we’re about with respect to investment in cleantech, I quickly found that the club’s name belies its members’ extremely wide-ranging interests; in fact, the concept of investment per se has not figured prominently into any of the three of four meetings I’ve attended over the last six months or so.  Folks seem to be keen on “big” topics that speak to who we are as individuals, as a civilization, where we came from, where  we’re going, how we’re going to get there, etc. – and that’s just fine with me. 

I’m hoping a lively conversation on sustainable energy policy, including the top-level concepts in technology, as well as the economics and politics of the matter, will get some juices flowing.  I also want to pepper this with some philosophic points that I think will be well-received, e.g., our basic nature as human beings, the responsibilities we bear toward one another, and how all this drives how we govern ourselves and push ourselves along a sustainable course.

I’ll keep readers posted; perhaps some of you can attend. 



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