Smart Grid Will Provide Tons of Data

Here’s a show built around an interesting concept: Data is the major component of any smart grid, but as customers create and demand new data streams through home energy hubs, is there a danger of overload? A smart meter in the home is likely to prompt consumers to take a greater interest in energy management and start introducing new devices accordingly.

There is no doubt that the premise here is correct: the mere providing people with data changes their behavior.  I’m a good example of this personally; I normally drive with the “instantaneous fuel consumption” display on, and I really like to make that figure as high as I can get it.  I hate to see it plummet when I nail the accelerator – which is why I try to refrain from that behavior.  I get 43 MPG on average, but I’m sure I could get 50 if I’d slow down even more.  

 The show’s in San Diego; I may check it out.

One comment on “Smart Grid Will Provide Tons of Data
  1. ofer keren says:

    We are looking for a partner overseas for a BIRD ENERGY project
    for more information on the project please look for
    The energy shortage and the weather are similar in Israel.
    Keren Energy work on national [Israeli] energy efficiency project that run on the Smart Grid network.
    Working with US partner on Energy Saving project with R&D support will give us the right answer for budget
    and will short the time to market. If you think we can be partner’s please contact me for more information
    Thanks …
    Ofer Keren