A Sustainable Approach to Energy Requires Enthusiasm

One of the risks of writing pieces in the tone of my recent article on the fantastic levels of mean-spiritedness and lethargy in the U.S. Congress is the tendency to depress people.  Though my intention is to spur readers into action, I occasionally have the opposite effect. 

I’m reminded of Emerson: “Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.”

Here’s a note I just wrote in response to a fairly glum email I received in response to that post:

Thanks very much for taking the time to write.  You make some excellent points here.  I think the bottom line is hoping that Washington will clean up its act is foolish.  That, however, doesn’t mean a sensible approach to energy won’t happen.  Hometown America really gets this, and many of the largest corporate entities are doing fabulous work. 

In the meanwhile, I urge you to remain active and not lose your enthusiasm for turning this around. 

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