Is Big Brother Watching?

I just got an email from a reader who asked: “How monitored do you think this email to you is? How many of your followers restrain their comments, do you think?”

Ha!  Interesting questions.  Personally, I would be surprised if some form of “Big Brother” is not monitoring my emails.  Given the recent revelations, our (U.S.) government is monitoring essentially everyone and everything, and, in my case, they have ever greater cause than they would with the average person; my voice actually does pose some level of threat to certain entrenched interests, and I work very hard to make sure that remains the case.

Re: your other question, I think most people don’t write things in email that they wish kept private, and they’re wise to do that.

I don’t think of myself as particularly brave, but I do think a bit of courage is called for from all of us in today’s world.  There are thousands of people all around us who are taking enormous personal risks with their whistleblowing and other acts of civil disobedience.  If they can do what they’re doing, and face the risk of imprisonment as a consequence, I think I can find the strength to write a few blog posts and a book or two that call out the evil and corruption in the world around me.

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