What's Your Carbon Footprint? Cool Infographic

 photo barefoot_zps64be921e.jpgI’m always appreciative of good infographics on cleantech that help people wrap their wits around complicated subjects.  Here’s one such piece on our carbon footprint I came across a few weeks ago and inadvertently forgot to share it.   Enjoy.

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One comment on “What's Your Carbon Footprint? Cool Infographic
  1. Cameron Atwood says:

    At $10 per tonne, the offset cost for all the human-generated carbon 2000-2010 is $428.40 per person for the works population. The challenge is that even if that money were collected it wouldn’t resolve the issue unless it were used to develop sustainable infrastructure. If you used it to plant carbon sinks you’d be back to square one in less than a decade (because human carbon output generally rises in the absence of increased efficiency/sustainability).