From Guest Blogger Tina Samuels: Turning Senior Citizens on to Green Energy

Many young people today believe their grandparents are some of the reason to blame for global warming and the resulting climate changes.

While humans have a huge impact on the environment, pointing fingers doesn’t help bring people to the green ‘side’.

Senior citizens aren’t as opposed to green living as some may think. The disposable age came after most of our grandparents were already living a semi-green lifestyle. Don’t think so?

When most seniors were growing up they returned bottles to be refilled, reused nearly everything they owned, and made much of what they needed. Gardens weren’t a hobby, they were used to feed growing families. Our grandparents lived a life of ‘waste not, want not’.

Grandpa Doesn’t Believe In Climate Change

It isn’t just seniors that deny climate change.

In fact, many people calling global warming and climate change a hoax aren’t elderly. Many seniors just feel as if they have limited time left and may not think they will live to see dramatic changes.

Others feel helpless and wonder what effect just one ‘old person’ can have. Still others may mention times when they were young when the days were hotter than now.

Every person is different in their beliefs. You can try pointing to data, talk about the loss of habitat for animals, or if possible, point to how climate change is affecting your area.

Major storms are becoming stronger and creating more damage.

This is one area where many seniors are interested – the weather.

Take time to explain how green energy use can help eliminate pollution. Describe how solar or wind power is a clean energy source that will not contribute to the growing extreme weather patterns.

Saving Money

Many seniors live on a limited budget.

The government offers incentives to people that install green energy sources. This incentive may help seniors afford the installation of solar or wind power.

Discuss how these on-site energy producers are free and can cut down or even eliminate electricity bills. In some very sunny places the solar panels can produce more energy than a home needs which results in the local power company buying the excess.

What senior wouldn’t enjoy receiving an unexpected check in the mail, even a small one?

Securing a Bright Future

For people with grandchildren, appealing to their maternal or paternal nature may help nudge them toward green energy.

Who wants to think that they’re not helping secure a better future for their grandchildren? While one senior citizen’s reduced carbon footprint won’t change the world, a combination of many making the switch may just make a bigger dent.

Those that live in senior living complexes can join forces with their administrators to reduce their energy use. Many lights are left on twenty four hours a day. Turning off just a few or switching to low energy use bulbs can help cuts costs and reduce emissions.

Seniors across the nation are stepping up without being encouraged by their children or grandchildren. Many of the people entering senior living complexes were ‘hippies’ or activists in their youth.

Now is the time for them to bring their planet loving activities back to the forefront of the green revolution.

About the Author: Tina Samuels writes on social media, how to remove personal information, small business, and marketing.

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