From Guest-Blogger Jess: Seven Eco-Friendly Storage Solutions Using Repurposed Items

The average American throws away four pounds of garbage every day, yet they still find their homes overrun with clutter. Reduce your waste and organize your home with these clever eco-friendly storage solutions.

Turn Jewelry Boxes into Drawer Tidies

Image via Flickr by Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Most of us have a drawer full of jewelry boxes we’re saving for a rainy day. So why not put them to good use now? Clip several boxes together to create your own draw tidies. These clever caddies will help keep your small items like cosmetics and office supplies in order.

Turn Cans into Functional Wall Art

When Andy Warhol was inspired to turn Campbell’s soup cans into art, he could never have imagined ordinary eco-warriors would follow his lead. But as it turns out, tin cans are the perfect base for functional wall hangings. Just peel off the labels and give them a thorough wash before gluing them together in an unusual configuration. Once they’re dry, you can hang your upcycled masterpiece on the wall with a screw or two. Admire your artwork and stash small items inside its cans.

Turn an Old Wine Rack into a Fabric Holder

An old wine rack can get a new lease on life as a fabric holder. Simply roll your materials up and stash each bolt in the holes where the wine goes. This storage solution is ideal for materials like oilcloth, vinyl, and others that shouldn’t be folded. Give the wine rack a new coat of paint to make it a real feature in your craft room.

Keep Linens Crease Free with Cardboard Rolls

Paper products make up 40 percent of American landfill trash, so it’s important to reduce this kind of waste wherever you can. It’s hard to reuse paper towels, but you can repurpose the cardboard rolls left. Simply wrap your napkins and tablecloths around the rolls and secure them in place with elastic bands. Storing them upright in a closet or stacking them on shelves will save space, and ensure your linens are free of creases next time you’re entertaining.

Save Space with Glass Jars

Don’t be so quick to throw out your empty pickle or mayonnaise jars. Just nail or superglue the lids to the underside of a shelf and screw them into place. These space-saving jars are ideal for storing nuts, bolts, and nails in garages, or buttons and bobbins in craft rooms, as you can easily see what you’re looking for. It’s also perfect for New York, Chicago, or Atlanta apartments, where storage space is often limited.

Convert a Dish-Drying Rack into a Coloring Station

An old dish-drying rack is a perfect place for storing your children’s coloring supplies. Stash their favorite coloring books plate-style between the prongs. The utensil caddy is ideal for holding crayons, pencils, and marker pens.

Stash Stuff in Baby Wipes Containers

New parents quickly start to cringe when they realize how many baby wipes containers they’re tossing into the landfill. You can reduce your waste by reusing these clever containers around the home. Their compact size makes them perfect for a travel first aid kit. They also make easy-to-manage craft supplies or toy car boxes for kids. You’ll also find them invaluable ribbon dispensers when it’s time for Christmas gift wrapping.

With a little creativity, it’s easy to turn your trash into eco-friendly and functional storage treasures.

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