Video on the Energy Industry

Earlier today I had an interesting conversation I thought I’d share — on a potential video project based on the vicissitudes of the energy industry.  Yes, renewables are making progress, albeit slow, but this is happening in an extremely difficult economic and political climate.  I.e., there are hundreds of millions of dollars being spent in an effort to ensure that the renewable energy industry fails.

We discussed a video series that would use the huge volume of news stories in this space to produce monthly episodes, underscoring the raw drama of what’s happening out there, e.g., the victories and losses of wind, solar, etc., juxtaposed against things like the blathering of the ultra-right-wingers in Congress: e.g., Senators Jim Inhofe (R-OK), Ron Johnson (R-WI), Fred Upton (R-MI), etc. whose positions are so inane that they do far more harm than good to their own platform.  The project would help them along in their relentless quest to make fools of themselves, while exposing their shameful conflicts of interest with the oil companies.

I’m hopeful that the project eventually comes off; I’ll keep you posted.

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