Our Society's Sensibilities Re: Renewable Energy Are Changing

Here’s an article that is illustrative of where our society is with respect to renewable energy. It seems that many home-owners associations (HOAs) prohibit the installation of solar PV – even in places where it’s invisible from the street – and, when these bans are tested in court, judges normally side with the HOA.

At issue, one would suspect, is that solar panels are considered an eyesore.  But I believe that our sensibility on this point is rapidly changing.  More people every day are waking up to the fact that our current energy policy (or lack thereof) is causing rapid and wide-spread devastation, and that solar, insofar as it represents a way to slow this destruction, is coming to be regarded quite positively.  I predict that in a few years, HOAs will encourage, rather than prohibit PV on home-owners’ roofs.

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